Energy Management System APIT Automation

Challenges in Maintaining of Analyzers and Data Acquisition System
- The Analyzers data are scattered and isolated across the facilities
- Taking manual readings from Analyzers is tedious and time-consuming
- Lack of real-time visibility
- Lack of appropriate notification system for alerting personnel to take prompt action
- Lack of Analyzer performance monitoring system.
- Unavailability of high-frequency data, analytical tools and historical data to understand and troubleshoot inefficiencies
- Huge manpower requirement
- Manual Logging process can be digitalized with Operations Logbook
- Manual Energy Balance, Data Validation and Reconciliation
Provides Data Analytics, Trends, Dashboards, Reports & Alerts etc.
- inSis AMS collects and stores the real-time data from, GCs, Field Analyzers Shelter House PLCs, HVAC Systems Sample Handling Systems etc.,
- Validation, calibration and management of maintenance schedules of analyzers
- Provides the Control Charts for analyzing the performance of Analyzers.
- AMS features management of assets related analyzer systems Analyzers, Shelters, HVACs, SHS, Consumables, Documents etc.
- System calculates the Analyzers KPIs like, Availability, Reproducibility etc. and helps in monitoring and improving the performance of Analyzers

Analyzer Management Data Acquisition System
- inSis AMS collects and stores the real-time data from, GCs, Field Analyzers, Shelter House PLCs, HVAC Systems Sample Handling Systems etc.,
- Provides Data Analytics, Trends, Dashboards, Reports, Alerts etc.
- Validation, calibration and management of maintenance schedules of analyzers Provides the Control Charts for analyzing the performance of Analyzers.
- AMS features management of assets related to analyzer systems Analyzers, Shelters, HVACs, SHS, Consumables, Documents etc.
- The system calculates the Analyzers KPIs like, Availability, Reproducibility etc. and helps in monitoring and improving the performance of Analyzers
Provides a single system for the Comprehensive Maintenance and Performance Monitoring of Analyzer Systems.
- Provides single system for comprehensive Maintenance and Performance Monitoring of Analyzer Systems.
- Improves the reliability and availability of expensive analyzer systems.
- Increases the analytical performance of analyzers
- Reduce Manpower and Resources by preventing frequent analyzer maintenance
- Reduced quality giveaway which is resulting from higher confidence limits
- Centralized data collection and reporting for all the Analyzer systems in the plant
- With client-server architecture and web-based solution, it is easily accessed from several locations thus improving the monitored time.
- Provides deep insights to Analyzer operation, performance and constraints with on-the-fly calculations, metrics and Self-Service Analytic capabilities.
- Quickly troubleshoot Analyzer issues there by quickly taking corrective actions.

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